Bring a Friend Friday is the Perfect Way to Try CrossFit in Cairns

Sun, 21 Jan 2024 10:24:17 +0000
January 21, 2024
Bring a Friend Friday is the Perfect Way to Try CrossFit in Cairns



January 21, 2024

How do most people find out about our gym? They usually have a friend who can't stop talking about us that's how!

Keep in mind, we're definitely not paying anyone for those resounding endorsements!

It comes from the very real conviction and belief that they have found the elixir of health and wellbeing and of course they want to share it with people they care about. Sharing a love of fitness is something members do all the time.

New CrossFit Kantok friends get to see how things work from the inside, and spend some time talking with a coach about their goals. They can always book a No Sweat Intro too. A coach will talk analyse their goals in way more details, and then help them develop a plan to achieve those goals - in the quickest, most cost-effective and efficient way possible.


Once a quarter, we offer an opportunity called, Bring a Friend Friday. This is a chance for anyone in Cairns, North Queensland (friends we haven't met yet!) to book in and try a class with a friend. The day goes far beyond being a way to attract new members. Current members love it because this is a chance to finally show the people they care about, that all their endless fitness talk is for real.

Practical stuff like convenience is important too! Potential new friends get to see where we're located. It's helps to know that you won't have to go on an epic voyage just to get to your daily workout. We're within a stone's throw of these Cairns suburbs;

Edge Hill, Cairns North, Cairns City, Stratford, Aeroglen, Hollaways Beach, Machans Beach, Freshwater, Parramatta Park, Manunda, Bungalow

This is also part of our collective philosophy as a group of like minded people. We don't want to keep what we know a secret. When you have found a place that changes your physical and mental health so profoundly, it is natural to want to share it. We love our friends and families, and we want what's best for them.

Lecturing people very rarely yields results. Showing them, and having them experience it for themselves is just so much better! Coaches are on hand to keep everyone safe and give everyone a chance to have a great experience.

There are plenty of ways to find out about what we do and about CrossFit as an approach to fitness. There are blogs, YouTube clips and newsletters that all show what to expect from a class. However, one of the best things about our community is the way we embrace Bring a Friend Friday! Sweating, laughing, and having heaps of fun alongside a friend, is the easiest way to get fit and healthy. Without really even realsing it!

At the end of the day, motivation can fade, and goals can change. But our friends remain constant and our gym community keeps us focussed, so that we keep coming back to work on our health and wellbeing. Many of our most successful members attribute their success to the start, and the gift of fitness, they received following on from Bring a Friend Friday.

See you there!

Bring a Friend Friday

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