Help! I can't get off the toliet!

Ageing and staying in the game!
November 19, 2024
Help! I can't get off the toliet!



November 19, 2024

Why do so many people end up in assisted-living facilities when they reach their golden years? The title of this piece kind of says it all really. Many of our elders realise their ability to do some basic things, like bend down to pick something up, or even stand for lengthy periods, has become so compromised that they feel they need to access constant support to help preserve some degree of quality in their daily life. The feeling of vulnerability is real, and so awful and uncomfortable that many see assisted living as the best, and even only option for them.

There's an obvious loss of independence the follows however. As we age, basic movement patterns become challenging. And then when we retire, we aggressively pursue more comfortable living, with even fewer reasons to get up and get out of the house. Reduced levels of physical activity will result in muscle atrophy, which in turn leads to other health issues.

The solution to this problem is simple and obvious.

Stay active for as long as physically possible. Find and consistently use an health and fitness program to preserve independence for as long as possible.This isn't just for the sake of the individual.  Even it that's reason enough. Our children won’t have to take care of us (or pay someone else to) due to the inability to look after ourselves.

The exercise needs of the aging individual don't change significantly from their needs when they were 20 years younger The impact and degree to which those needs are pursued is the only real difference. Sitting down on, and standing up from a toilet is a squat. A burpee is about becoming efficient at getting down on, and getting up from the ground. Transporting groceries from the supermarket to the home can involve deadlifting, a farmers walk burden carry, or even a front squat,or clean.

As we age we're unlikely to be breaking any gym records! But we can certainly put in the same effort as a world record holder — and a good coach will know how to guide us to ensure that intense effort isn't paid for in injuries or other undesirable outcomes. Effort and the resulting intensity is relative for every person in the gym. But range of motion and movement goals are the same for everyone regardless of exercise history, experience, age, gender or ability.

Strength training is particularly important for aging adults because it helps to stimulate physiological responses that are really important for older people, such as strengthening bones, muscles and the connective tissues around joints. Minor slips and falls don't need to result in fractures as we age.  

Group fitness classes may or may not be appropriate for all aging adults. At CrossFit Kantok, older people with specific health and fitness needs, represent a large portion of our membership. We provide them with a range of different service options to help them find the best fit for their circumstances. Some prefer private coaching. Some prefer group fitness. Some prefer a mixture of both and use a hybrid membershipplan for this reason.

No-one is an elite level athlete in our gym. Being competitive in fitness isn't our focus. We're competing with ourselves and our natural tendency to seek comfort. Instead, there's a lot of us who work out every day so that we can stay well away from a nursing home - and also so we'll never be trapped on the toilet!Get


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