Celebrating Just How Far You've Come

Sun, 10 Sep 2023 10:06:48 +0000
September 10, 2023
Celebrating Just How Far You've Come



September 10, 2023

We recently posted a reel on the socials about measuring how far you've come. Looking back at how far we've come can be a great way of renewing enthusiasm and determination. It can be highly motivating, but it comes with some caution too.

Think back to how you felt when you first started CrossFit and what you wanted to achieve. Have you achieved that goal or perhaps your goals have changed? Weight loss is one of the main reasons people give when they start a new fitness program, and often losing weight can have a whole host of health benefits. However, this original goal of simply losing weight often changes to a focus on body composition. Similarly, one way to measure success might be with the number on the scales, but it is just one way. Pull out some old photos how different do you look now? Sometimes that number on the scale might even have increased, but when you look back that old photo you see new muscle definition, and all the other aesthetic benefits that come with a healthy lifestyle.

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Many people find that when they really think back on it, the lifestyle changes are amazing. Have you swapped the Friday night after work drinks for a workout? Or even a different healthy activity? Have you changed long weekend sleep-ins for new activity? Maybe even time with loved ones or friends? Do you find you''re much more likely to say, yes to invitations from friends to do new, fun things? These are often used in the sales pitches of health and fitness businesses, but try and think if there are things that have really changed for you!

The caution though, is that you still need to be gentle with that old version of yourself. Nothing good ever comes from negative self-talk and that old version of you was super brave and super determined. He or she is the person who first walked into the gym and started the road to change that the current you and future you get to enjoy. It is a lot easier to maintain fitness than it is to take those first steps and do the initial hard slog. So, when you look back at the old photos and celebrate how far you've come, take a moment to thank that old version of yourself who was brave and determined and changed your life!

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