A Contagion You Actually Need to Catch!

Mon, 10 May 2021 02:31:19 +0000
May 10, 2021
A Contagion You Actually Need to Catch!



May 10, 2021

Success Is Contagious ... Spread The Word about 'Bright Spots Friday'

We spend a lot of time and effort at the box and we do that for our own personal reasons. No matter what your drive, I would argue until I'm blue in the face that EVERYONE is there to improve. Our motivation for self improvement are as individual as we are and form an endless list such as;

  • we want to be healthy for our kids,
  • we strive to compete in competitions,
  • we want to build muscle,
  • lose weight,
  • get stronger,
  • hit PBs';

or it is simply the time we give ourselves each day to enjoy investing in ourselves. It is great for our physical and mental health.

No matter where our motivation stems from, we deserve to be proud when we achieve. And, when we meet small milestones our motivation for further and ongoing self improvement becomes engrained within us. The pride we feel is evident and, I guarantee you, everyone who steps foot onto our gym mats to train knows that feeling. 

CrossFit KanTok is introducing 'Bright Spots Friday' to continue to build on the amazing culture of success through perseverance we have established . It���s easy: each Friday we will post about a proud moment from the previous week. It may be about an achievement in training or  a win experienced outside of the gym doors. It may be about hitting a goal you have worked towards for a long time, or it may be a smaller, less noticeable achievement that meant something to you. Anything goes, as long as it makes you feel great!


           <img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e0f502633331765cb4a8084/1620613381300-S659OS29WZZMI00EIH8P/182210447_10225056688314271_175591418383697974_n.jpg" alt="182210447_10225056688314271_175591418383697974_n.jpg" />                                                                                                                            


So, why do this?

This is a well-known concept, and it is very powerful. By considering your Bright Spot for the week you are working on your positive mindset as you actively seek out these positives.  This act trains the brain in the same way we train our muscles. Posting publicly keeps you accountable. This will create a snowball effect and can result in significant effects in self-efficacy and motivation. Think of the overall positive effects that these actions have when practiced by all of your gym mates! It's a phenomenal concept.

You may be up against a barrier to make your initial 'Bright Spots Friday' post. You may wonder why people want to hear from you? It may feel like 'bragging' or you may be reluctant to share your achievements. We are genuinely excited and motivated by your successes. I firmly believe SUCCESS IS CONTAGIOUS, we build self-motivation and drive when others are successful. Your Bright Spot is yours, this is NOT a competition  it's not a race for first. It is showing gratitude for yourself and others and expressing positivity. Things can only be good, right!?

Motivation via recognition, acknowledgement and gratitude has huge impacts. We want you to recognise your achievements and share them with others. I am sure we will learn a lot about each other and I am 100% certain the culture will grow with this practice. Give it a shot, what could go wrong?

Ok, so it's this easy. During the week keep in mind your achievements inside or out of the box. On Fridays, make a personal pledge by sharing your Bright Spot/s on the CrossFit KanTok Crew page and be sure to hashtag #kantokbrightspotsfriday As your gym mates pledge their successes, hit them up with a like or give'em respect and props with a positive comment.

Your coaches notice your performance, and they cannot wait to get more insight into what you are most proud of about your own achievements.


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