The CrossFit community not only welcomes you; it encourages you to push the boundaries of your potential.

Sun, 23 Apr 2023 07:46:34 +0000
April 23, 2023
The CrossFit community not only welcomes you; it encourages you to push the boundaries of your potential.



April 23, 2023



If you have a friend who does CrossFit, you have probably experienced the almost zealot-like enthusiasm they exude when they talk about it: their eyes go wide, as they rhapsodize about all the ways that CrossFit has changed their lives. It can be hard to understand how any gym can engender this level of enthusiasm. You don���t often hear the same passion from people who go to regular 24/7 gyms. Why is this? One reason is the uniqueness of the CrossFit community.

Your friend (or maybe the person you have just met) gets no personal gain from selling CrossFit to you. There is no pyramid scheme.  They just feel like they have discovered something that has dramatically changed their health and happiness and want to share it with anyone they can!


The CrossFit Community Can Change Your Life

This is a dramatic statement, but the research backs it up. In his book, The Compound Effect, Ryan Delany claims that the people you surround yourself with determine as much as 95% of your success or failure in life!

Similar findings came from The Framingham Heart Study which looked at how the people you surround yourself with affect your health. While having friends with unhealthy habits increases your own chances of being unhealthy by 45%, you can flip that script and say that having friends who care about their health and fitness increases your chances of being healthy by 45%!

We have all heard the saying that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and the research seems to support the truth of that statement. Spending time at CrossFit Kantok gives you the opportunity to spend time with people whose conversations, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour, support you to become a fitter, healthier and more resilient version of yourself.

The best advice is to surround yourself with people you admire: people who already are the kind of person you want to be!


Why is the CrossFit community so tight?

Look at how cohesive communities of service personnel are: Army, Navy, Airforce, Police Force they literally trust each other with their lives. Sports teams also share extremely tight bonds. There is something about suffering through hardship that binds people together. While the hardship of getting through a tough WOD is not as gruelling as the hardships faced by the military, there is still a sense of making it through a tough session together and getting each member of the group through to the end.

I have never had ten people at a regular gym stand around me cheering as I finish the last 500m of a row. Being the last person to finish a WOD in CrossFit doesn't mean you're forgotten. The cheers and words of encouragement help you dig deep, and find that last little bit you need to get over the line.


But Are You Really The Average of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With?

Well kind of' The truth is your social group actually has even more influence than you might think. Happy, healthy, fit friends make you happier, healthier and fitter no surprises there. But if a friend of a friend is happy with their life, then you have a 6% greater likelihood of being happy yourself. Now 6% might not seem like much but consider that other studies suggest that if you were given a $20,000 raise, that would only increase your happiness by about 2%.

Again, we can flip this script and think about our own influence on our friends and family and extended network. When we increase our own health and fitness, we cause a ripple effect throughout our own extended community.

We are essentially saving the world and making it a happier, healthier place one set of wallballs at a time!


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